
Consulting Services

Business, Banking and
Economic Trends

In 2001 Ben Boothe visited business and political leaders in Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Mongolia, India, and Italy.

In 2002 Boothe conducted consulting interviews at the Ghandi Research Foundation, and at the Center for Policy Research in New Delhi, India. He also met with members of Parliament, and banking leaders in Nepal to discuss economic development strategies.

He conducted a fact finding mission in Tibet, to document economic development research, as well as to study the relationship between government policy and cultural freedoms. Subsequently his findings were published in the U.S. and several nations.

In 2003 Boothe lectured to business leaders in Mumbai, India sponsored by IMC Chamber and presented economic studies at Ghandi Research Foundation and the India Development Institute on Global Trends.

In 2004 Boothe was made the "Honorary Representative to the USA for the Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry".

In 2005 Boothe provided Environmental Consulting services in Ecuador, and in 2006 made agreements to open an office in Ecuador to accommodate growth trends in Ecuador, and deal with environmental issues.

In 1995 Boothe was invited to an international symposium of global economists, hosted by the Universidad Autonomo in Mexico City. This meeting also included representatives of governments, the Federal Reserve Bank, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and numerous authors. Boothe made two presentations and presided over the closing session with University & Economic leaders. The U.S. Ambassador to Mexico received Mr. Boothe while in Mexico City.

In 1995 the USIA invited Boothe to represent the U.S. in Mongolia to lecture and consult on economic development, business and banking issues. Boothe was received by the governors of 3 states to discuss economic and banking issues. He consulted with a U.S. oil and mining company, provided an organizational plan for initiation of a national credit bureau and consulted on establishment of a Small Business Administration program. He met daily with banking, political and economic leaders and was received by the U.S. Ambassador in Mongolia.

In 1997 Boothe served as an economic consultant for the WORLD BANK for a program to leaders of parliament and bankers of Mongolia. In 1997 Boothe was sponsored by the USIS (State Dept) in New Delhi, India and Mumbai, India. There he consulted and lectured on global economic trends. In 1994-1997 he was involved in work in Mexico, Guatemala, Japan, China and other nations on behalf of Universities, Corporations, and other entities. BB&A continues ongoing research and dialogue with leaders of business and policy makers in some 30+ nations. Boothe has Researched environmental/economic impact studies for international venues in Asia. In 1996 he was received by a former President of Guatemala on a socio-economic development project. In 1997 he was received by the Prime Minister of Mongolia on a special economic development project.

In 1998 and 1999 Boothe did bank and economic development consulting for the National Bank of Cambodia (co-sponsored by the World Bank), and lectured at the University of Banares, in Varanasi, India, for the USIS.

Areas of Expertise

  • Global economic trends (macro and micro)
  • Troubleshooter/conflict resolution
  • Government/banking liaison for corporations and business (access to political and banking leaders)
  • Business practices, organization, finance, banking, investments
  • Economic development (global trends, post GATT implications for local economies
  • Business restructuring
  • Policy development (political and corporate)Real estate, asset valuation, and *Environmental issues
  • Economic impacts of good environmental policy
  • Regulatory compliance and response *Media management and access
  • Large loan acquisitions ($10 mill to $500 mill) for special projects

Other Interests and Projects

  • Boothe, with help of Rotary Club, the U.S.Airforce, and Hillary Clinton, gathered and shipped 40,000 books to Mongolia. Help solve Mongolia's lack of english books for children.
  • Boothe, with the sponsorship of the U.S. Ambassadorn of Cambodia, personally visited and participated in landmine removal efforts.
  • Boothe, inspected and made recommendations with U.S. Peace Corps volunteers, to deal with,"underground orphans", to help solve problems of 6000+ orphans living in underground sewers, in Mongolia.
  • Developed appraisal programs in accordance with American and International appraisal standards for banks, investors and Government entities.

Executive experience, combined with a world view and International political and business contacts!

In 1999, due to the banking crisis of the region, the World Bank engaged Ben Boothe to be the "anchor" consultant for a Bank Risk Management Symposium, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. The banking leaders from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzebekistan, Tgurkmenistan, and Tajikistan participated. This symposium was highly successful and Mr. Ulan Sarbanov, Chairman of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic proclaimed: "Your assistance on the matter of training our staff is indisputable. We express our deep appreciation for your invaluable contribution and experiece that your brought. Subjects were very useful and helpful. This will be the sound support for our specialists our insitutions."

In 1999 Ben Boothe interviewed the Center for Policy Research in Delhi, India, regarding the Pakistan, India relationship, and also discussed economic development issues, as well as the positive economic impacts of good environmental policy. From India, leaders of the Grameen Bank, in Bangladesh met with Ben in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Boothe was given a special tour of the banking system in the "countryside" of Bangladesh, where enormous strides have been made in banking, and socio-economic development issues.

From 1992 to the present, Boothe has conducted symposiums, consultancies, and economic/banking programs throughout Asia.

Strategies in a Post Globalization World

Boothe and Associates, Inc. and BBA Mongolia Co., Ltd have been active in the global economy. As the world changes it is critical for companies to create current strategies. While Globalization stressed removal of all barriers, the current "post globalization" world is a world where more barriers have been raised, tariffs, security issues, political and economic issues are important to deal with in the current environment.

BBA Mongolia Co., Ltd and Boothe and Associates, Inc. (International) can help you establish these strategies. One key element is that companies that wish to engage in international business in the post globalization world should have a physical presence in the nations that they are doing business with. BBA Mongolia and Boothe and Associates, Inc. (International) can implement this for you, as well as help you with legal, accounting, political, and business contacts that will be invaluable to your company.

Lectures, Teaching seminars and Keynote presentations

Over 65 presentations in 32 states and several nations, for associations, conventions, municipal groups, commercial and professional associations. Current keynote speeches:

  • WHO WILL OWN THE 21ST CENTURY? THE WINNERS AND LOSERS IN THE NEW GLOBAL ECONOMY (Post GATT economic trends and what it means to you, your town, your business or profession) This presentation is a hard hitting, compelling study of the new world of global economics and how this new economics impacts all of us. Informative, and entertaining.

    "So powerful, I invited Ben to speak at our international development congressional committee." - Fred Hill, Texas State Congressman

  • A BANKER TELLS YOU HOW TO BORROW ALMOST ALL THE MONEY YOU'LL EVER NEED (A hands on practical guide to borrowing money, dealing with banks, documentation and how to operate in the current banking environment)

    "Great, all our members enjoyed it. Really was helpful." - Florida Restaurant Association

  • DEVELOPING APPROPRIATE ECONOMIC POLICY IN THE 21ST CENTURY (A study of the impacts of global economics on specific nations and industries)

    "On behalf of the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry I wish to thank you for your profound presentation." - Asit Roy, Economist, New Delhi, India

    "Your materials left our audience wanting more and we hope you will return! It was electrifying." - Rajnikant Reshamwab, President, Bombay Rotary Club, India

    "Your lecture to the Indian Merchant Chamber in Bombay was precisely what was needed. Thanks and regards." - Jerry Brennig, Director, USIS, The American Center

Lectures or Guest Professor at

Cominicus University, Bratislava, Slovania

Restructuring financial systems during times of economic crisis

Academy of Economics, Bucharest, Romania

Changing economies, the impacts, dangers and advantages

University of Texas, Arlington, Texas

Credit, and principles of banking

C.F.E.D./American University Program, Washington, D.C.

Restructuring micro and macro economic systems for developing nations

Abilene Christian University,. Abilene, Texas

Management flexibility during times of economic change

Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas

Edwin Cox School of Business (SWGSB)

Regulatory policy and impact upon economic development

Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico

Post NAFTA economic trends

University of Mongolia, Institute of Economics, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Sponsored by the U.S. Embassy

Economic policy, banking systems and free enterprise methods

Universidad Automoma de Mexico City

Concentrations, trade and the global economy

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas

Global economic trends and impacts of deregulation.

University of Banares, Banares, India

20th Century Economic Trends for India

Indian Institute of Management, Lucknaw, India

Global Finance

Economics & Finance Institute, Phonom Penh, Cambodia

Economic Development in Cambodia

bg bg about

Author and Publisher

As a former banker, and an international consultant, Boothe has authored over 200 published articles in magazines, newspapers, and journals.

He is also author of 6 books and as such has appeared on over 60 television and radio programs.

Among his most notable media appearances have been his national CBS TV and National Public Radio interviews as an author and observer of economic, banking, and regulatory issues.

Ben now publishes an international newsletter by internet called GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES, an intelligence brief for global leaders and VIPs. This newsletter is read by business leaders, political leaders, and "enlightened" people throughout the world.

Services We Offer


BBAR Inc is a commercial appraisal and valuation company. We have appraised in numerous states for many clients


Executive experience, combined with a world view and International political and business contacts!

Environmental Reports

We are experienced in conducting environmental impact studies that comply with N.E.P.A.


Ben has extensive political contacts in State Capitals, and internationally. His influence on legislation is known and respected.

Real Estate

Mr. Boothe has had decades of experience in real estate. Three decades of work in multiple levels of real estate.

Legal Expert Witness

We have served as an expert witness in numerous courts, trials, mediations, and disputes.


What Our Clients Say About Us

Skill and effectiveness

Ben Boothe worked with public and private sector leaders, involved in developing a modern banking system for Mongolia, and in a broad range of socioeconomic development . His presence was a positive reflection on the United States as well as a contribution to Mongolia. I highly recommend him as an international consultant in possession of considerable skill and effectiveness.

Richard Estes,
Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania

Very powerful resource

In Romania, Ben advised government officials on various aspects of the transition to a market economy. His experience as a former banker give his knowledge of banking a very practical dimension. His numerous publications and lectures on financial topics attest to his understanding. The combination of practical experience and academic knowledge constitutes a very powerful resource. I recommend him to you without any reservation.

Thomas Butler
Chemical Bank N.Y.

His integrity

Your research and lectures prepared for the WORLD BANK on international economic trends were excellent! The World Bank will use your materials world wide and we thank you for your presence in Asia working for us with banking and political leaders as one of our economic consultants

Demir Yener
World Bank, Washington, D.C.

What performance

Tour performance when giving your deposition testimony gave my clients the leverage they needed to negotiate a settlement on favorable terms. I appreciate your work and will call on you again.

Gary Steffen
Attorney - McLean and Sanders Law Firm

Very pleased

I am pleased to recommend Ben Boothe as an expert witness. He served as an expert witness at trial and performed very admirably. He was prompt, knowledgeable, conscientious, and at the same time very reasonable on fees.

Dwayne Hoover
Attorney - Shannon, Gracey, Ratliff and Miller, L.L.P.

His integrity

Mr.Boothe's testimony was instrumental in the presentation of my client's case to the Court. I highly recommend Mr.Boothe due to his understanding of business practices and the obvious integrity he displays on the stand.

Randall Lindley
Attorney - Caolo, Meier and Jones L.L.P.

Let's Talk With Us!

For Direct Contact with Mr. Boothe throughout the world,
Call: (817) 793-1484
Watts: 1 (800) 379-8048
Fax: 1 (888) 628-1561